Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Ok, so after this big vow to renew myself (and write often), I realized, it has been close to two weeks since I've posted!  Jeez.  So here we are...

I got to spend a fabulous weekend with Rob, who was finally able to come back to the house after being away for more than five weeks!  Yay!  While we didn't do anything especially fun, (Rob spent most of Sunday doing taxes while I mowed the lawn and killed weeds) it was actually nice to do "normal" things around the house, and not make it more or less a vacation stay.  I will say, though, it was weird to have him back in the house, and the kitty had a hard time giving Rob back the side of the bad he claimed after he left.  But anyways, we went to the movies, cooked dinner, walked around the Plaza, and snuggled a lot.  I really missed him, and it felt good to have him back for a nice (albeit short) visit.

Work has been going well - we've been really working on story writing in the morning, and the kiddos are trying so had to write in French, and I'm so proud of them!  I've also received a lot of awesome artwork, as displayed above.  The top one is a heart that is supposed to say "Je t'aime, Madame Suarez" (I love you, Madame Suarez).  The bottom one was created on one of those frozen pizza cardboard sheets, and it is a picture of me.  I LOVE IT!

Here we are 9 weeks away from the end of the year, and I still have some students mispronouncing my name.  I get "Madame Saress", "Madame Scorss" (???), "Madame Sore-ass" (lovely) "and my favorite, "Madamasaurus".  That's Madamasaurus REX, children! 

Here I am:
Kate Suarez, dinosaur (?), slacker, fine art collector. 


  1. Why was Boberto's visit short?! Is he off at another job now? Fill me in please :)

  2. You misread. She knows no Boberto.

  3. Short visit because they extended his contract job again. No real news just yet. :(
